Happy Holidays LantBuoy!
LantBuoy phoned home today! I thought we'd get something for Christmas, but I'll take a check-in a few days late. This was the first...

Sunny Day Today
Today was sunny enough in the North Atlantic for "LantBuoy" to phone home. Moving slowly now, about half a knot. Water is still a...

North Atlantic Storm
Saw this cool North Atlantic storm. Doubtful we'll get any updates with that level of cloud cover.

Atlantic Buoy Over Halfway to Europe
Atlantic Buoy is over halfway to Europe! 1600 mi from Norfolk, 1400 mi to Ireland and Spain, and 500 miles to the Azores. Must be in...

Atlantic Buoy Is Back--Intermittently
Successfully uplinked commands to change the first reporting time to 1700Z, which is ~1400L. Delaying to 1400 Local allows more charging...