Inching to the Gulf Stream
The Gulf Buoy slowly inches its way toward the Gulf Stream. As you can see from the Windy.com currents plot, the Gulf Stream makes a...

Good Day for dAISy
Yesterday was a great day for AIS collections by Adrian Studer's dAISy. The buoy lingered in a FL-LA/TX shipping route and collected on...
Be a Buoy Booster!
We just added a DONATE page to allow buoy fans to help out with monthly Iridium costs. Click on the DONATE menu item (above) to learn more.

Gulf Buoy Inertial Oscillations
Gulf Buoy track is being dominated by Inertial Oscillations. If you aren't familiar with this phenomenon, see...

Hawaii Buoy Visits Oahu
For the 2nd time, a V3 Buoy has found its way back to land. First with the Gulf Buoy and now with the Hawaii Buoy. Luckily, in both...

Hawaii Buoy AIS Working
Starting to get AIS collects on local ships with the Hawaii Buoy. So far, one fishing vessel and two cargo ships. Click on the ships in...

V3 Buoys Deployed!
Both V3 drifting buoys have been deployed! First was deployed Thurs 6 July in Gulf of Mexico 60 NM SW of Panama City, FL. Second was...