Cruising the Gulf Stream
Gulf Buoy finally made its way into the Gulf Stream this week. Now comes the fun part, watching to see if it will make the FL Strait...

Hawaii Buoy Deployment Video
I posted the video of the Hawaii Video deployment on the buoy homepage. Thanks to Paul, Troy, Lauren, and the crew of "Catapult", a 70 ft...

Gulf Buoy is Back!
As predicted ;), Gulf Buoy returns! I'm going to speculate what might be going on. If you follow the data closely, you'll see some odd...

Atlantic Buoy Returns!
Looks like I pulled the plug on Atlantic Buoy too early. After being depressed about losing Gulf Buoy, I decided to turn on the Iridium...

Gulf Buoy Lost Comms
Just when Gulf Buoy looked like it was heading toward the loop current, no updates have been received from the buoy since 10 Aug. If you...

Hawaii Buoy Redeployed!
On Thursday 10 Aug, Hawaii Buoy was redeployed with the help of Lauren and the crew of Catapult 500 NM northeast of Hawaii. So far, it's...

Plan for Hawaii Buoy Redeployment
Hawaii buoy is hitching a ride on the 70 ft Santa Cruz racing boat "Catapult" traveling from Oahu to Los Angeles on Sunday 6th. This boat...