V3 Buoy Introduction

Meet V3 of the off-the-shelf drifting buoy project! The latest buoy design simplifies the hardware by removing the 5V power converter, the dedicated internal temperature sensor, and the non-logic level MOSFETs. Converting to a 3V Trinket also allows direct powering via the new Li Ion battery and saves significant quiescent power. Also added is the Sparkfun Fuel Gauge that provides battery charge level. The most significant new addition is the inclusion of an AIS receiver from Adrian Studer. If you aren't familiar with AIS, Google it. It's a system of transmitters on large ships to provide basic information and help prevent collisions. For the buoy it's a way to "see" what ships are nearby and send that data back in the buoy update via Iridium. Currently in final testing of V3. Feel free to suggest deployment locations in the comments section below. Hope to get 1 or 2 V3s in the water by early summer.